Concepts and Terms

In this section, we explain some of the terms and concepts used throughtout the PortalJS documentation.

Some of these concepts are part of official specs, and when appropriate, we'll link to the sources where you can get more details.


A dataset extends the Frictionless data package to add an extra organization property. The organization property describes the organization the dataset belongs to, and it should have the following properties:

organization = {
 name: "some org name",
 title: "Some optional org title",
 description: "A description of the organization"

An example of dataset with organization properties is given below:

datasets = [{
    organization: {
     name: "some org name",
     title: "Some optional org title",
     description: "A description of the organization"
    title: "Data package title",
    name:  "Data package name",
    description: "description of data package",
    resources: [...],
    licences: [...],
    sources: [...]



View spec

Deploying portal build to github pages


Single Dataset with Default Theme

Single Dataset Example